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QuadPIC Standalone Programmer

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder.  (Next Available Stock on 05/04/2025 )
Part No : LPQPG164130-4
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Rs. 34300.00( 10.00% 'Special Offer' )Rs.(Excl. GST)

36426.60  (Incl. GST)

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please contact us on: +91-8551021420.
QuadPIC is a cost effective high-speed StandAlone Programmer for Microchip Flash Digital Signal Controller (DSC) and microcontroller (MCU) devices. The Programmer has 4 x independent programmer circuits each with its own EEprom image. This configuration allows 4 x target devices to be programmed simultaneously even if the targets are not the same. QuadPIC is connected to MPLAB IDE or any other GUI running on a PC using a full speed USB interface to download only once inititally the hex image into each independent programmers EEprom. QuadPIC can be connected to the same type or different type of target boards via RJ-11 to ICSP connector (LPISCP-AC164110).

1. QuadPIC Standalone Programmer

2. 5V Power Supply

3. User manual

4. MPLAB CD containg sample codes

1. Internal Programmers with its own EEPROM for storing Hex image and with

its own LED status.

2. Target devices can be programmed independently i.e. without PC.

3. One single PROGRAM switch to Successively program the devices.

4. Uses the highly successful & proven Programmer-to-Go concept of PICkit 3 in

MPLAB IDE/XIDE & IPE with MASTER circuit for synchronization.

5. No need to power target from external power source.