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PIC18 Explorer Board PIC MCU 8-Bit PIC Embedded Evaluation Board

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder. 
Part No : DM183032
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13228.02  (Incl. GST)


This low-cost demo board is for evaluation of our PIC18 MCU families. PIC18 is having highest performance in 8-bit architecture & has three different families: standard PIC18, PIC18 J-series and PIC18 K-series. This single development board supports dozens of the general purpose PIC18 families using various processor Plug-In Modules (PIMs). PICtail daughter boards enable many different accessory boards to connect to the PIC18 Explorer board for a flexible and complete development environment.

· PIC18 Explorer Demonstration Board.

· RS232 cable.

· Board-mounted PIC18F8722 and an alternate PIC18F87J11 mounted on a Plug-In Module (PIM).

· CD-ROM that contains:
  - Sample programs, source code and Hex files.
  - PIC18 Explorer Demonstration Board User’s Guide.
  - Other referenced documents.

· Supports Microchip’s 8bit PIC18 devices with Plug-In Modules, supporting 28 to 80-pin PIC18 devices. 

· PICtail daughter board connector for connection to standard expansion boards such as  Ethernet, speech playback, and others. 

· Expansion connector accesses full device pin-out and breadboard prototype area 

· Convenient connection for MPLAB PICkit3, ICD3 or REAL ICE for in-circuit serial     programming & debugging.

· Alpha-numeric 16X2 LCD display .

· USB interface for USB to RS-232 communication. 

· 25LC256 SPI EEPROM. 

· Onboard 8MHz Crystal oscillator. 

· Potentiometer (connected to 10-bit A/D, analog input channel). 

· Analog output temperature sensor. 

· 8 LEDs , 3 Switches.

· SPI I/O expander – For LCD display, MCP23S17.

· Prototype area – For user hardware.

· DB9 Connector for RS-232 serial communication. 

 · Power supply connector & on board  voltage regulator, capable of operation from 2.0V to  5.5V.