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CAN BUS ANALYZER (Please refer APGDT006 Tool)

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder. 
Part No : APGDT002
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Rs.(Incl. of Customs Duty & Import Freight.)

15773.66  (Incl. GST)

Currently this item is Out of Stock. For special/bulk enquiries,
please contact us on: +91-8551021420.

This product will be EOL (End of Life). Please consider CAN BUS Analyzer FD Tool for your design needs. See the link:


The CAN BUS Analyzer Tool is a simple to use low cost CAN bus monitor which can be used to develop and debug a high speed CAN network. The tool supports CAN 2.0b and ISO11898-2 and a broad range of functions which allow it to be used across various market segments including automotive, industrial, medical and marine. The toolkit comes with all the hardware and software required to connect a CAN network to a PC. The Graphical User Interface makes it easy to quickly observe and interpret bus traffic.

Sophisticated, easy-to-use Graphical User Interface option with K2L´s OptoLyzer Studio Entry.

The CAN BUS Analyzer Tool is a simple to use low cost CAN bus monitor which can be used to develop and debug a high speed CAN network. The tool supports CAN 2.0b and ISO11898-2 and a broad range of functions which allow it to be used across various market segments including automotive, industrial, medical and marine. The toolkit comes with all the hardware and software required to connect a CAN network to a PC. The Graphical User Interface makes it easy to quickly observe and interpret bus traffic.

Supports CAN 2.0b and ISO11898-2

Intuitive PC User Interface for functions such as configuration, trace, transmit, filter, log etc

Enhanced features in the PC GUI for Microchip’s PIC microcontroller support such as ECAN register view in the GUI

Direct access to CAN H and CAN L, CAN TX and CAN RX signals for robust debugging

Flexible CAN bus interface options i.e. standard DB9 connector or screw terminals

Software control of termination resistance and LED display for status, traffic, BUS error