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Embedded Dev Board For Atmel, NXP Or Equivalent Flash 89CXX Mcus.

Product-Category: Atmel
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder.  (Next Available Stock on 05/04/2025 )
Part No : SPEDB1.01
Discount as per Discount Table :  (If selected special offer will not be applied.)

Coupon Code:

Rs. 10000.00( 30.00% 'Special Offer' )Rs.(Excl. GST)

8260.00  (Incl. GST)

Currently this item is Out of Stock. For special/bulk enquiries,
please contact us on: +91-8551021420.
The Evaluation development board demonstrates the capabilities of  Onboard 40pin DIP NXP P89V51RD2 or equivalent & 20pin DIP Atmel 89c2051 or equivalent MCUs also Microchip’s 8-bit microcontrollers, specifically, 40-pin PIC16FXXX, PIC16F1XXX, and PIC18 devices by using PIC adapter. It can be used as a standalone demonstration board with a programmed part. Alternatively, it can be used with an in-circuit emulator (for example, MPLAB Real ICETM) or with an in-circuit programmer/debugger (such as MPLAB ICD 3 or PICkit 3).
      Onboard 40pin DIP NXP P89V51RD2 or equivalent & 20pin DIP Atmel 89c2051 or equivalent MCUs.
·         9V Power Adapter (LP9VPS-AC162039-2).
·         RS232 Serial Cable.
·         20pin Flat Ribbon Cables.
·         CD containing freeware IDEs, Assemblers, Simulators & Sample Programs.
·         Optional PIC16F877 Adapter to use 40pin DIP PIC16F877A MCU.

·    Interfaces:-
-      Buffered I/O
-      Standard 8keys Keypad.  4x3 Matrix Keypad
-      RS232 Interface.
-      SPI & I2C EEPROMs & RTC (with Li Battery).
-      PC-AT Keyboard Jack.
-      16x2 LCD, 8 LEDs, 7 Segment Displays.
-      ADC/DAC Relays, etc.