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ISP2ZIF Socket

Product-Category: Asix Programmers
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder. 
Part No : ISP2ZIF

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Rs.(Incl. of Customs Duty & Import Freight.)

13905.66  (Incl. GST)


ISP2ZIF is an adapter for programming of all types of devices with In-Circuit Serial/In-System Programming (ICSP/ISP), especially with the PRESTO andFORTE programmers.

The adapter is provided with the 40-pin Zero Insertion Force socket (ZIF) which accepts 300 to 600 mils wide devices.

ISP2ZIF works well for most of programmable devices like Microchip PIC®and Atmel AVR and AT89S51 architecture) microcontrollers in DIP packages up to 40 pins. The user can connect any device pin to any of 7 programming signals (VPP/13V, VDD, GND, DATA/MOSI, CLOCK, MISO, LVP).