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MPLAB Starter Kit For PIC24H Mcus

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 1 
Part No : DM240021
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Rs. 9426.68( 10.00% 'Special Offer' )Rs.(Incl. of Customs Duty & Import Freight.)

10011.13  (Incl. GST)

Microchip Technology DM240021 MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24H MCUs is a complete hardware and software kit for exploring the power of the PCI24H family of MCUs for multitasking needs. The MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24H MCUs lets you run accelerometer-based sample programs and check out the interaction of the accelerometer and switches with the MCU on the visual display and listen to the speech playback. This kit includes an onboard debugger that lets you install the software and connect the USB cable to a PC, start up the MPLAB IDE, and gain full control. The DM240021 kit lets you connect your own analog sensor for sensor signal processing and also allows the downloading and testing of your own applications.
  • Board includes integrated debugger or programmer
  • USB powered
  • PIC24HJ128GP504 MCU with 128KB Flash and 8KB RAM
  • Features a tri-axial analog accelerometer, 128x64 OLED display, and onboard speaker
  • Low-cost speech playback of G.711 compressed speech
  • Visual display on OLED display using microchip graphics library
  • Switches for application utility
  • Separate analog conditioning circuitry to plug-in wide range of sensors for sensor signal processing
  • CD contains:
    • MPLAB IDE with full editor
    • programmer and debugger
    • MPLAB C Compiler
    • code examples and user’s guide