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PICkit 3 Programmer/Debugger

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 10  (Next Available Stock : 10 on 04/04/2025 )
Part No : LPPICKIT3-PG164130
Discount as per Discount Table :  (If selected special offer will not be applied.)

Coupon Code:

Rs. 3500.00( 12.50% 'Special Offer' )Rs.(Excl. GST)

3613.75  (Incl. GST)

  • Only company in India to receive Manufacturing License from MICROCHIP USA
  • Indigenously Manufactured in India with 3 Months Warranty
  • Link: https://www.microchip.com/en-us/tools-resources/evaluation-boards/warranty
  • BE INDIAN BUY INDIAN!! Dont buy M&W type cheap Chinese PICkit 3 Clones. Beware of the M type cheap PICkit 3 Clone, this is not the original Microchip PICkit 3
  • Only company providing after sale Service Backup & Tech Support in India
  • High Speed 4 Layer, Gold Immersion pcb. Genuine Components- imported directly from Microchip, Samtec, etc.

PICkit3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer uses in-circuit debugging logic incorporated into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware. The MPLAB PICkit3 allows debugging and programming of PIC and dsPIC Flash microcontrollers at a most affordable price using the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or MPLAB X IDE. The MPLAB PICkit3 is connected to the design engineers PC using a full speed USB interface and can be connected to the target via  RJ-11 to ICSP connector (LPISCP-AC164110). 

  • PICkit3 Programmer Debugger.
  • A to mini-B USB Cable.                  
  • 6 Pin ICSP Cable (Male to Female)
  • User Manual.
  • MPLAB IDE installation Software download from the link of the download tab.
· USB (Full speed 12 Mbits/s interface to host PC)
· Real-time execution
· MPLAB IDE & MPLAB X IDE compatible
· Built-in over-voltage/short circuit monitor
· Firmware upgradeable from PC/web download
· Totally enclosed
· Supports low voltage to 2.0 volts (2.0v to 5.5v range)
· Diagnostic LEDs (power, busy, error)
· Read/write program and data memory of microcontroller
· Erase of program memory space with verification
· Freeze-peripherals at breakpoint
· Program up to 512K byte flash with  the Programmer-to-Go.