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RJ-11 Cable

Product-Category: PIC
Availability: In stock 0 - You May Backorder.  (Next Available Stock on 05/04/2025 )
Part No : LPRJ11-07-00024
Discount as per Discount Table :  (If selected special offer will not be applied.)

Coupon Code:

Rs. 300.00( 10.00% 'Special Offer' )Rs.(Excl. GST)

318.60  (Incl. GST)

This is a replacement cable for the cable that arrives with the MPLAB ICD 2 Kit (DV164005), MPLAB ICD 2 Evaluation Kit (DV164006), the MPLAB ICD 2 ws (DV164007), the MPLAB ICD 2 w/ dsPICDEM Starter Demo Board (DV164030), and the MPLAB ICD 2 w/ dsPICDEM 1.1 GP Demo Board (DV164032)
RJ-11 Cable
RJ11 is required to connect the MPLAB ICD3/MPLAB ICD2 with target board.